Take the first step—your business deserves the best. We want to hear from you – whatever way works best for you.
Phone: 1 (877) 236-9290
Let’s discuss how we can help streamline your payments, maximize your revenue, and eliminate your frustration. We are here to answer all of your questions and find the right solutions for your business.
We believe in the best support of our team. If you’re a current merchant, use this contact information so that we can help you.
Phone: 1 (866) 210–4625
ext. x2 Technical Support
(8:30am – 5:30pm EST)
ext. x3 Dispute Manager

Trusted brands we work with include:

Get funding your way.
Cash flow is crucial to running your business. From payroll to purchasing to keeping up on the bills, funding keeps the wheels turning and the lights burning.
CWA gives you funding options that are fast and flexible.
Same-day funding
When you need money NOW, we’re here for you. CWA solutions that get you your funding fast.
Next-day funding
Many processors will hold your money for two to three days. Not us. We know how important it is to get it to you fast. So we deliver funds to your account the next day — at no additional cost.